Recent Project
Smart Motorway Projects
iMobility has an extensive track record of successful smart motorway projects nationwide; aimed at improving transportation infrastructure and traffic management efficiency and safety. Leading the planning, design, implementation, and operations and maintenance of multi-billion-dollar smart motorway projects across Australia. Our Managing Director led the delivery and supported the operations of the historic upgrade and award-winning for excellence in ITS and engineering.
We offered an end-to-end management, strategic and technical consultancy services across all smart motorway elements including:
- Intelligent Transport Systems for smart motorways including ramp metering, traffic monitoring and detection systems, and traffic advisory and information systems
- MPLS WAN communications network; including network management system
- ICT and Cyber Security for transport OT networks
- Network Operations Centres (NOC) and traffic management / command control centres and maintenance facilities
- Network operational concept and assets management plans
- Provision for emerging transport technologies such as Connected Vehicles and Infrastructure

Tunnels and Tollway Projects
iMobility brings remarkable experience in tunnels and tollways operations and maintenance as well as implementation of Operations Management and Control Systems (OMCS) and free-flow tolling systems, which has enabled us to offer our clients in the public and private sectors a wide range of consultancy services across all domains including project strategy and requirements development, solutions design, implementation and testing, and tollway operations and maintenance aspects of major tunnel projects.
- Smart motorway and Traffic management and control systems
- Control and communications systems for tunnel operating services
- ICT and Cyber Security for transport OT networks
- Operations Management and Control Systems (OMCS)
- Traffic management centers and maintenance facilities Assets Management and Information System
- Free flow Tolling systems
- Tunnels operational concept and assets management plans
- Provision of emerging transport technologies for Connected Vehicles and Automated Vehicles operations
Urban Transport Projects
In supporting the one transport network vision and smart cities model, iMobility contributed to the development and implementation of multi-million dollar projects upgrading the ICT and Urban traffic management infrastructure for road authorities.
Digitisation of Urban Transport
- Adaptive Traffic Signals (SCATS) enhancement to enable connected vehicles communications
- Design and implementation of the urban CCTV IP network.
- Support the feasibility study and financial model development of the Connected and Automated vehicles test bed.
Feasibility Studies and Models
- Feasibility study of urban traffic signal performance enhancement program using big data model (e.g. Bluetooth, crowd-source data, etc.)
- Feasibility study of adaptive enforcement system on all managed motorways in VIC.
- Smart Motorway ICT and WAN communications network including cyber security.

Smart Mobility Projects
MaaS Australia (subsidary of iMobility) is commited to enable smart mobility including Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and shared mobility services to improve customers' experience by creating seamless
connections to their destinations, optimising the performance of the transport services, and enabling the smart mobility ecosystem. We have conducted feasibility studies and participated in various smart mobility initiatives and trials to pave the way to sustainable mobility
- Conducted a feasibility study of the shared mobility services in Australia for a world leader E-Scooter Operator; including a high-level operational plan to establish its operations in Australia.
- As a member of the steering committee, supported ITS Australia and iMOVE Australia delivering the MaaS research project (the first MaaS and ODT of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region and well recognised globally) - defining the MaaS and on demand transport operations framework and the key attributes that influence the customers behaviour, and reviewing the research report and the customer survey analysis
- Conducted MaaS readiness assessment and developed strategic MaaS roadmap for a diverse client-base in Finland, Sweden, UK, and Australia using our own MaaS readiness index (the 1st if its kind globally’ benchmark MaaS offerings and readiness in each region and assess the impact of AVs on the future of smart mobility.
- Participated in the development of the Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) and On-Demand Transport (ODT) trails and pilots in NSW in partnership with the private sector and smart mobility technology providers
La Trobe University Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Trial
iMobility was engaged by HMI technologies and the AV trial consortia (VicRoads, La Trobe Uni, Keolis Downer, ARRB and RACV) to manage and oversee all aspects of the first Autonomous Vehicle (Shuttle) trial with the trial partners, including trail business case, operational concept framework and use cases, service design and establishment, risk analysis, financial model, and a comprehensive customer survey.
The trial provided the first and last mile transport service within the campus in a very urbanised environment, and identified the social, economic, technical and operational challenges to enable viable commercial on demand transport services using AV.